Thursday, September 16, 2010

The First Two Hours of Every Freelance Project

  1. Arrange necessary materials in accessible spread around computer.
  2. Review e-mail from project coordinator.
  3. While you're at it, read other e-mails.
  4. Reopen e-mail from project coordinator in new window.
  5. Open editing program.
  6. Check Facebook.
  7. Stroll into kitchen to heat water for tea. Check fridge to see if there is any chocolate. There is. Take large bite.
  8. Return to computer in time for kettle to start whining. Head back to kitchen to fix tea.
  9. While in kitchen, eyes rest on bottle of red wine sitting on the countertop. Resist urge.
  10. Return to workspace, set down mug of tea.
  11. Go to bathroom and change hairstyle in mirror. Put on lipgloss.
  12. Change hair back to how it was.
  13. Return to workspace and stare at editing program.
  14. Reread project coordinator e-mail.
  15. Check other e-mails. Respond to one you neglected yesterday.
  16. Read article friend sent you. Write quick reply with lots of exclamation points.
  17. Log on to Gchat and set self as "invisible" to see if there is anyone you'd like to talk to. Immediately berate self for thinking you have time to chat. Log off.
  18. Write and edit first two sentences of assigned work.
  19. Refresh tea. Has friend updated her blog? Scroll through two pages of information. She's pretty funny. Make mental note to tell her this.
  20. Return to work. Photo needs editing. Resize man's mugshot. He looks a little like your father.
  21. Your dad is really nice. You should call him. Should you call him now?
  22. Send e-mail.
  23. You should probably get groceries tonight.
  24. Edit one line of text.
  25. My god, what was that one beautiful poem about a man walking, and a river? See if you can find it.
  26. Read all the Philip Levine you can find. Incidentally he did not write poem you were looking for.
  27. Roommate comes home. Talk to her until she goes out again.
  28. Reread e-mail from project coordinator. Note: You have a lot more to do than originally thought.
  29. Return to editing program.
  30. Should you go for a run?


  1. story of my life. how did you know???

  2. Yeah, right? :) How about when you finally get into the groove after all of this warming up and then something sets you off balance again — the ringing of a phone, the grinding vacancy of an underfed stomach?

    I usually keep my cell phone stowed away and on silent when I work, but there is also this blasted (note: otherwise loved!) landline, which I answer for fear its incessant ring will otherwise drive our neighbors mad. I should unplug it!
